Our targeted platforms are PC and Mac.
EFIGS+R text is in – English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and also Russian (it’s easy for us!) – with full voice on English and Russian. We’ve also had some volunteers offering to voice the other languages and we’re definitely open to the idea. Let us know if you’ve got a language to contribute!
Any controller can be used as an input device. We’ve created games in the past for FFB Joysticks and we used a Thrustmaster T-FLIGHT HOTAS X to record the videos on YouTube, so we guarantee support is in for that! We also have bindings all set for smooth keyboard+mouse mode, and will build out a library of defaults for common gamepads like the Xbox 360 controller.
We’re using Unity as a framework, so we’ll be looking at our options for a Xbox 360/Playstation build following the initial release on PC and Mac.
Portable devices such as PSP Vita, iOS and Android are becoming powerful gaming platforms. That said, SKYJACKER features complex physics and detailed demolition of all in-game objects; these devices aren’t ready (yet!) to handle those demands. We’ll be looking into streaming services such as OnLive to get around this.