QUESTION: Does player ranks system let me get any RPG EXPERIENCE?
ANSWER: Progressing in ranks the player gets access to different TYPES of missions, which he won’t fulfill on his earlier stages. It is related to that set of weapons and devices, which have been collected for each rank. And for sure, it’s related to his skills (real trained skills of the player) to operate with different flight models, different devices, weapons and to use different tactics in space combat.
For example, a Thief should always pay the dealer to get each new deal. The only type of mission he can expect is a thieving mission, where he can steal some loot from a broken transport ship or grab goods in lost warehouse. He cannot fight against military crafts, being forced to flee when the military guard arrives.
The gang of Robbers can attack a trade convoy, fighting the light armored guard, but they are still too weak against military squadrons. The Robber still has to pay for new deals, but he’s able to attack rich and powerful targets, fighting military forces as well. Saboteur and other higher ranks comprise a level of pirate elite. Such ranks have a choice either to buy deals or to take exclusive proposals from unknown clients and to get paid for serving them. Exclusive proposals include such tasks as destroying some industrial object (shipyard, asteroid mining camp) or assassinating some VIP. Getting an exclusive proposal, the player will be paid for his service. But he still able to get new devices and technologies, captured during the mission.